Star Trek Trading Cards Collective

Old Star Trek Card Contests

Just a random page for posting old contests I want to remember 🙂

Change one word to make a Trek card episode title:

The winners are Alan V and Bob Slade. Email me your address 🙂

OK, here is a list of the entries:
Is There in Parallels No Beauty?
The Trouble with Grading
Who Mourns for Redemptions?
The Gamesters of CCG
The Way to Bankruptcy
There’s one episode that doesn’t need a name change – Obsession
“Let That Be Your Last Autograph”
Spock’s Autograph
A Taste of ‘Bubblegum’
The Parallel Syndrome!
“And the Autocard Shall Lead”
“Inscription on the Edge of Forever”
The Hologram Factor
For the world is hollow and I have touched the Auto!
The Squire of Non-Sport
Where no card has gone before?
Inflections of Mercy or Inscriptions of Terror
The Autograph directive… perhaps then?
“What Are Little Cards Made Of”
But the “who mourns for redemption”
The Cardboard Maneuver
The Squire of Rittenhouse
Point Balance of Terror
The Return of the Archives
I, Cardgeek
Friday’s UPS Delivery
Wolf in the Foil
Requiem for OhMyyythuselah
The Devil in the Detail
The Collectors Syndrome
The Squire of Rittenhouse
Let That Be Your Last Collection
“Dagger of All Mine”
The Trouble With Doubles
The Trouble with scribbles
“The Return of the Archives”
The Trouble with Triptychs
“The Devil in the Card” is “The Card Trap”: You acquire “A Taste of
Collecting” until it becomes an “Obsession” and you’re out of room and
money, but “Who Mourns for cardfans” then?
Back to the point: “What Are Little Cards Made Of” anyway? Never mind paper
or metal, for you it’s just “A Private Little Card”, “A Piece of the
Complete Set”
Sure there are the “Cardspaw” autographed ones, but “Is There in Cards No
Beauty” per see? I leave that to “The Conscience of the Collector”
The Trouble with Toppers
A Taste of ImABidding
The Collection of the King
The CantTellMyWife Maneuver
What Are Little Promos Made Of?
Buy Any Other Card
Specter Of The Parallel
And: Obsession
“And the CardGeek Shall Lead”
“Face of the Autogragh”
“Honor Among Collectors”
“One Small Find”
“Sorting Ground”
“Exploring Properties of Rarity”
“The Impossible Box” (didn’t have to change)
STIV: The Undiscovered Promo
Spock’s Pre-order.

The little-known escapade see the Enterprise end up saving the day while getting to the bottom of why Spock’s pre-order was not released on time. Highlights include McCoy teasing Spock that it’s not logical to be disgruntled over the delay, Kirk getting into a fistfight with a corrupt plant manager who turns out to be mind-controlled by an evil AI, and of course, Chekov insisting that pre-orders are a Russian invention.

Baseball contest

Patrick S-


Star Trek Baseball Team
1.       Pitcher – Benjamin Sisko –
His vast knowledge of baseball, strong arm & leadership skills make him the perfect choice to be the most important defensive player.  He wants to win for Jake, who loves it as much as he does.
2.       Catcher – William Riker –
He sees the whole field & can use his communication skills, as demonstrated in “Allegiance” to use hand signals & communicate strategy to the team.  A strong, competitive officer is a great choice for a position which is often a gateway toward one day becoming a manager.
3.       First Baseman – Travis Mayweather –
              As an outdoorsman raised in space, he’s always ready to stretch his legs.  His reflexes,  height and youthful energy make him a valuable player.
4.       Second Baseman – B’Elanna Torres –
              A strong, half-Klingon/half-Human, whose quick hands of an engineer as well as her quick feet will serve her well.  It wouldn’t be her first choice to play, but having her ancient-Earth-obsessed husband cheering her on (as well as the fact that he’ll owe her one) is all the incentive she needs.
5.       Third Baseman – Spock –
As the closest to the batter, who often has to throw to first base, the focus he learned and the reflexes he honed on Vulcan will make him a strong player.  Despite not playing many games of probability & physical activity since childhood, he finds the exercise and mental stimulus most logical—that and hearing McCoy cheering.
6.       Shortstop – Julian Bashir –
As an enhanced human, he can rise to the challenge of one of the most demanding positions, with more hit balls heading his way.  Despite baseball not being one of his normal sports, he’s a very quick study & his agility & accuracy make him dependable.
7.       Left Fielder – Kurn –
The Brothers Mogh always seek glory in battle & at the ballpark.  A strong Klingon with a need to prove his honor & capabilities, he doesn’t disappoint with speed, Instincts and quick-thinking to catch balls on the fly.  While some players would get distracted far from the action, he visualizes impaling his opponents on pikes to stay focused.
8.       Center Fielder – Data –
The strength & computational power of an android allows him to cover the largest distance, co-ordinate to prevent collisions and serve as the “captain of the outfield”—all while correlating every piece of data on baseball & designing new feline supplements for Spot.
9.       Right Fielder – Worf –
Along with his brother, he wants to taste sweet victory (and prune juice).  He has the strongest  arm, perhaps rivaling Data, and wants to honor his son, in the stands, who helped him recover from his back surgery—which left him stronger than ever.
Umpire – Odo –
                                Having served as constable for the Federation as well as the Cardassian regime, no one in all the Universe is more capable to officiate the game, enforce rules, make calls & provide disciplinary action. No one wants to get benched or sit on Odo’s penalty bucket.
                Manager – James Kirk –
                                As head coach who makes the final call on strategy, line-up selection, training & batting order, who better than the Captain that’s faced countless foes & dangers & always gotten his crew home. The Captain—or Manager who doesn’t believe in a no-win scenario is the man for the job.
On a side-note:  Uhura should sing during the 7th Inning Stretch & if an alternate player is needed, Chekov should be considered because, after all, Russia inwented baseball.


DS9 Team:

First Base: Weyoun #1 Second Base: Weyoun #2 “Short”stop Nog Third Base: Weyoun #3 Left Field: Kassidy Yates Center Field: Benjamin Sisko Right Field: Morn Starting Pitcher: Bashir Catcher: Miles O’Brien Closer: Jake Sisko Manager: Quark Batgirl: Molly O’Brien General Manager: Grand Nagus Zek Owner: Ishka

Robert Gross

Mark K

1. pitcher
Data. Pitching requires a strong arm. Who better than an android who will not tire and can throw harder than a human.
2. catcher
Worf. Catcher is a very physical position. You want someone who is tough and can take a collision at home plate.
3. first baseman
Odo. Nothing can get by Odo. If a throw is going over his head, he can morph into someone taller.
4. second baseman
Leeta. What’s Leeta doing as the second baseman? She’s the team’s secret weapon. Her beauty distracts the batters and baserunners.
5. third baseman
Kirk. You need a team captain in the infield. He can call for a meeting on the mound and provide insight with bases loaded and no outs aka – a “Kobayashi Maru” situation.
6. shortstop
Scotty. He’s constantly out performing expectations and giving all he’s got – who better for the key position in the infield.
7. left fielder
Tasha Yar. She’s a tough cookie… whether she’s battling a Klingon or the Green Monster in left field.
8. center fielder
Jake Sisko. A baseball team is incomplete without some youth. Jake is the future.
9. right fielder
Geordi LaForge. Playing in the outfield is tough. The sun is always blinding you. But you can’t blind a blind guy. With his implants, there is no excuse the Sun got in my eyes.
U. umpire
Spock. Since he is Vulcan, he will be impartial and will not be subject to favoritism or emotions.
M. manager
Q. He can travel in time and knows what the future holds. He is the best person to manage the team.


1. pitcher Data (because you need an android to throw perfect pitches)
2. catcher  Worf (because you would need someone strong to catch android pitches)
3. first baseman Dr. Julian Basier (modified perfect sight for the most tossed to position)
4. second baseman Seven of nine (need someone who can make those fast catches)
5. third baseman Garak (Talking smack to make the runner unsure of themselves at this point)
6. shortstop Kira (because you need a no nonsense yeller here)
7. left fielder Tom Paris or Ensign Kim (because left field is for those who just want to play)
8. center fielder Odo (Stretching out to grab the high flying balls)
9. right fielder B4 (just in case those android reflexes work on a less developed mind)
10. umpire Quark (to make sure the calls always run your way)
M. manager Capt. James T Kirk Because he would be yelling the whole game, “Fire! Fire That ball!”

Don N

The Enterprise Warpers

Pitcher – Data – He can hurl the ball at super speed with super accuracy.

Catcher – Gorn – Won’t need regular catcher’s padding, and opposing team will be very reluctant to slide into home base with him there.

First baseman – Worf – Fast, aggressive, could stop the runners with just a stare.

Second baseman – Quark – The weakest member of the infield, he is still not above “accidently” tripping a runner if need be.

Third baseman – Captain Kirk – who better to man the “hot corner” than the guy who can do everything?

Shortstop – B’Elanna Torres – Combative and fast, a runner from an opposing team’s worst nightmare.

Left fielder – Odo – Can assume different forms, such as a really large catcher’s mitt, or can elongate his arm to catch a ball that otherwise may have gone out of the park.

Center fielder – Jonathan Archer – The center fielder requires speed, throwing distance, and good judgement, all traits exhibited by this flying ace.

Right fielder – Wesley Crusher – because somebody has to be out there.

Umpire – Kang – A Klingon Umpire would probably not be fair and objective, however, nobody would dare argue with the ump or kick dust on him…

Manager – Q – (Q is described as “a being who possesses immeasurable power over normal human notions of time, space, the laws of physics, and even reality itself, being capable of violating or altering any or all of them in unpredictable ways with a casual thought or hand gesture, limited only by his imagination.”) or, a manager.

Bonus players:

Team Owner – Gene Roddenberry
Team Doctor – Doctor McCoy “I’m a doctor Jim, not a hot dog vendor!”
Bat Boy – Charlie X – now he has a neat uniform to impress Yeoman Rand…

Jim D

  1. pitcher… 7 of 9 Because of her obsession with perfection, she would have the perfect curve ball that would be very hard to hit.
  2. catcher Worf… Great throwing arm to throw base runners out.  And you’re going to have to tackle a Klingon if you want to cross home plate to score.
  3. first baseman Will Riker… Steady all around player and you want the best looking dude on First Base.
  4. second baseman Commander Tucker..  Part of the all time great double-play combo (w/T’Pol)
  5. third baseman Captain Archer (he just looks like he’s a 3rd baseman)
  6. shortstop… T’Pol Part of the all time great double-play combo (w/Tripp Tucker)
  7. left fielder Tuvok (can’t go wrong with a Vulcan in the outfield) I think that was a movie “Vulcan’s In The Outfield”.
  8. center fielder Captain Picard (Fast in his prime running days) Can still run down any ball!
  9. right fielder…  Montgomery “The Bull” Scott  His TMP action figure was always my Right Fielder when I was a kid.
  10. umpire Data… Can be impartial and can do his own instant replays if a call is challenged.
  11. manager Captain Sisco (of course)  baseball is his life other than his children and by carrying out the duties of being a Profit.


1. pitcher: Seven of Nine (Borg strength)
2. catcher: Quark (Would never let something get past him)
3. first baseman: William Riker (Because he’s Number One) 🙂
4. second baseman: Julian Bashir ( Enhanced genetics)
5. third baseman: Ben Sisko (biggest baseball fan in the Alpha Quadrant)
6. shortstop: Worf (because he’s a defensive specialist)
7. left fielder: Apollo (Hands big enough to catch Starships should have no problems catching a baseball)
8. center fielder: Jadzia Dax ( Years of past experience’s to call on)
9. right fielder: Odo (He can shapeshift)
U. umpire: Data (fair and can done quick judgements)
M. manager: Jean-Luc Picard (He’s Picard, that’s reason enough)

Tom S

Pitcher: Data- being an android he would be able to pitch exactly the way he wants. What speed he wants and any kind of trick throwCatcher: Jadzia Dax – not only can she catch but I’m sure she can provide some good heckling against the batter

First Baseman: Tom Paris- on the tall side, can be quick on his feet

Second Baseman: Riker- also tall, should be able to catch and defend 2nd base

Third Baseman: Kira- she will try her best to not let anyone past her

Shortstop: Troi- hooefully she can telepathically predict the batters intentions (if they are going to bunt, etc)

Left Fielder: Captain Kirk- I know he can run and help chase after a rouge ball

Center Fielder: Q- because he’s a Q…enough said

Right Fielder: Worf- has a strong arm to throw the ball where it would need to go

Umpire: Odo- very trustworthy and would make the right and appropriate decisions

Manager: Ben Sisko- out of all the captains he is the most aggressive. I think he would be the right choice to manage this team and to make the correct judgement calls


1. pitcher -> Data, can throw the ball any way the Catcher signals him and make it impossible fast to hit
2. catcher -> Lwaxana Troi, can sense what the player wants to do, so can send the right signal ( to the pitcher
3. first baseman -> Spock, as a brilliant first office will make a good first baseman and is therefore a logical coice
4. second baseman -> seven of nine, can coldly an logicaly oversee the field and ‘assimilate a runner if needed
5. third baseman -> James T kirk, as third captain of the Enterprise knows what it is to be Third, als can use his charm on the duck-out of the oposing team.
6. shortstop -> Quark, is short, good with people and can bribe the runners if needed
7. left fielder -> Saru, tall and can run fast in case he misses a ball
8. center fielder-> Odo can shap shift to catch even the most high / far ball
9. right fielder -> T’pol a logical cobination with Spock as well as Vulcan speed and strength.
U. umpire -> Guinan, fares and listen well to all sides. Also her hatt makes sure she’s easily seen (and probably only one who can be an Umpire with the manager of the team)
M. manager -> Q, can always snap his finger if things are going south


1. pitcher – Jadzia Dax, because she is fearless, confident, accurate and calm under pressure.
2. catcher – Quark, because he is close to the ground and doesn’t miss a thing.
3. first baseman – Worf, because he is a natural warrior and will tag out many runners.
4. second baseman – Benjamin Sisko, so he can be in the middle of it all and keep runners from stealing 2nd.
5. third baseman – Gul Dukat, because he has a long reach, and can throw runners out at 1st base or home plate.
6. shortstop – Jake Sisko, because he is young and fast, and can defend the infield with his Dad.
7. left fielder -Ezri Dax, because she is quick, young and athletic.
8. center fielder – Kira Nerys, because she is a natural leader and will provide good coverage to this position, pulling the outfield together. Plus, she will have Captain Sisko’s back.
9. right fielder – Chief Miles O’Brien, because he is scrappy and a good team player.
U. umpire – Odo, because he would make fair calls.
M. manager – Dr. Julian Bashir, because he can give guidance and not have to get dirty in the field with the players.


Manager – James Kirk, because he likes telling everyone want to do.
Pitcher – Data, because he could use his programming to learn all possible pitches and batter weaknesses.
Catcher – Worf  because he is too big to knock over.
First Base – Jean-Luc Picard, because he just stands around looking classy while waiting for the ball.
Second Base – William Riker. because second base should be played by a second star.
Shortstop – Khan, because even though he’s a villain dictator, he always wanted to be picked for the sandlot team.
Third Base – Seven, because her Borg side has a great throwing arm.
Left Field – Spock, because left field is always your worse player and I’m pretty sure Spock never played sports.
Right Field – Kathryn Janeway, because you can’t leave out your first female Captain and right field is not much harder than left field.
Center Field – Wesley Crusher, because neither Spock nor Janeway can catch or throw a ball and Crusher is young enough and fast enough to cover the whole outfield.
Umpire – Lt. Uhura, because they never let her play with the boys.


1. pitcher – Benjamin Sisko – He knows how to grip a baseball. He keeps one on his desk!
2. catcher – Worf – He’d be great!  All he would have to do is snarl. The guy on first wouldn’t even step off the bag, let alone try to steal second. And would you try running over Worf to touch home plate?
3. first baseman – Jonathan Archer – He’s a solid, dependable person to have here.
4. second baseman – Tasha Yar – She’s athletic enough to turn a double play.
5. third baseman – T’Pol – She has a strong arm to throw to Archer at first.
6. shortstop – Will Riker – Would work well with Yar in turning a double play.
7. left fielder – Seven of Nine – Borg strength and agility would be good here.
8. center fielder – Odo – He could change into anything to rob a homerun!
9. right fielder – Data – He has great strength and speed.
U. umpire –   Spock – Logical and fair.
M. manager – B’Elaana Torres – Can you imagine her losing her temper and arguing with Spock?  Lol


Pitcher – Sulu. All I thought of was Hideo Nomo.
Catcher – Worf. Strong like Pete Rose was.
First Base – Riker. Tall guys play first base. I played first base. LOL
Second Base – Kira Nerys. She’s fast and agile.
Third Base – Data. Nothing would get by him.
Short Stop – Tuvok. Precise and fast.
Left Field – Tom Paris. Young and agile.
Center Field – Jadzia Dax. Those long legs should move her across centerfield quickly.
Right Field – Wesley. Well, the kid had got to do something. LOL
Umpire – Odo. Stick with him as Ump. Honest to a tee.
Manager – Sisko. Hey, it’s his game.

The Tricky Tribbles
1. Pitcher (Lt. Ro Laren)
For my pitcher, I have chosen Ro Laren.  Her hardened attitude and determination would make her a valid choice for pitcher, as she would be able to keep focused and set straight on her purpose.  Although she had defected from the Enterprise, I would trust her to be a good fit in our puzzle of a tightly-knit team, as she would appreciate the importance of her position.
2. Catcher (Quark)
Quark is the kind of guy to keep an eye on the ball in any situation, whether it be seeking out a dropped piece of latinum on the floor of his bar or the lightning pitch of Ro Laren’s throw.  Skills aside, he would be able to stay more comfortable as catcher due to his short stature.
3. First Baseman (Kirk)
First of all, it only seems proper to place the first captain of the first Star Trek series on first base.  Everyone has their eyes on this position and he knows it.  As first baseman, Kirk would have his desire for action satisfied and give it his all!
4. Second Baseman (Sisko)
Captain Sisko deserves a position with a view.  His appreciation for the game runs deep, and I’m sure he would appreciate playing as second baseman.  In this position, Sisko could provide advice to everyone on his time in the middle of an important play.  He would also be able to properly view everyone’s skill and make decisions based on his seasoned experience in baseball.
5. Third Baseman (Janeway)
Finishing up the run of our bases is Captain Janeway.  As third baseman, she would have quick access to the sidelines to fuel her black coffee addiction in between plays.  It would also make sense to have Janeway along the home stretch, as being on the path to home is something she seems to have much experience with.  Being alongside Sisko and Kirk would also provide a sense of camaraderie among the three.
6. Shortstop (Data)
Data’s devoted willingness to learning human culture and teamwork would make him a great fit for shortstop.  In this position, he can observe the communication needed to function as a team, while also being part of it.  Another plus is his superior speed and agility, which would allow Data to move quickly between the second and third base.
7. Left Fielder (Odo)
Choosing the outfield positions was a tough decision, but I’m confident that I have made all the right choices.  Starting at left field, we have the one and only Odo.  As left fielder, Odo has the space to make the most out of his changeling abilities.  Here, Odo could make the most use out of his abilities, such as by transforming into a bird to prevent a home run.
8. Center Fielder (Seven of Nine)
Efficiency.  Seven would find center fielder as the position best suited for her abilities.  She would be the back up for Sisko, who shares her sense of duty to completion and a knack for investigating the best way of doing things.  Similar to Odo, she can put her superior functions to good use in the back of the field and keep an eye on everything at once.
9. Right Fielder (Worf)
The proper place for a great Klingon warrior is where he can show his strength and determination.  Worf would find playing alongside a strong Borg drone and a Changeling, who both come from species of conquerors, to be honorable.  He also brings the strong fighting arm of a Klingon, accustomed to stabbing.  However, I am confident he can translate this into a brilliant throwing arm.
U. Umpire (Spock)
Spock shows logic in all of its forms.  What better place to put him then the place where that logic is most needed?  As umpire, Spock would provide an unbiased Vulcan approved view from behind the plate.  Also, he and Quark would quickly find that they make a good fit near each other as they have a dislike for idle conversation in the midst of something important.
M. Manager (Picard)
While the other captains take their positions as first, second and third basemen, Picard would fit better off of the field.  His ability to motivate a crowd with instantaneous spurts of motivational speaking and distinct bald head would make him a great centerpiece of the team; as its distinguished leader.

John T

1. pitcher = Jake Sisko
Reason: We know from “Take Me Out to the Holosuite” that Jake is an excellent pitcher, able to hold his own against even superior Vulcans!
2. catcher=Worf
Reason: There is no honor in dropping the baseball. Therefore, Worf should make a good catcher and his powerful when at the plate.
3. first baseman=Seven of Nine
Reason: First base is the first defense against the opposing team. Seven should be calm and collected…or is it collective?
4. second baseman=The Doctor
Reason: The Doctor could use his holotechnology to change shape as needed to catch any player trying to steal a base…presuming that is allowed by the rules!
5. third baseman=William T. Riker
Riker’s years of experience at sports like Anbo-jyutsu should help him at third base
6. shortstop=Montgomery Scott
Shortstops have to think on their feet and cover a good deal of the field. Scotty has experience as a miracle working problem solver and would be a good shortstop.
7. left fielder=James T. Kirk Prime Universe
With his mixture of leadership and physicality, Prime Kirk is the perfect left fielder who will run after every baseball because he doesn’t believe in the no win scenario.
8. center fielder=Philippa Georgiou
Because Philippa is played by Michele Yeoh, the center fielder should be able to jump, flip, and do amazing stunts to catch the baseball.
9. right field=James T. Kirk Kelvin Universe
Who else could be a perfect compliment to Prime Kirk at left field than Kelvin Kirk at right field?
U. umpire=Spock
Reason: It is only logical to have an unemotional and rational character be the umpire.
M. manager=Jonathan Archer
Because the team is from diverse universes, Archer knows how to create coalitions and would be a great manager. He could tell his team “You can’t be afraid of the wind!” too which is nice.
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