Star Trek Trading Cards Collective

Lynne’s Star Trek Card Wanted List

Cards I am looking for!

First Susan Oliver cut signature card

Cards from Japanese Videotapes. I need any not seen here 😉


Japanese Star Trek Videotape Cards

Nintendo GameBoy ad card-Kirk and Spock variation (card on right)

An error card from the Topps 79 UK card set, #72. As you can see, there is one with and without the copyright.  (Thanks, Jeremy!)

Galoob AF Prototypes (yeah yeah, not likely!).


UK Folder with First Contact Phone Cards. Sorry the image of the Outside is so small.

Unreleased pewter cards from Franklin Mint:
Klingon Bird of Prey-uncolored (error-the back has Ent-D info)
TOS Enterprise (a colored version was released, but not an uncolored version)

The only thing known about these is the backs have Promotional Use Only Written on back.  They are standard trading card sized.

Set of 6 (we assume) Walls ST III stickers from New Zealand. Found as an ice cream promotional. Doesn’t seem as often seen as the ST II version.  (I have Sulu, will take singles)

Star Trek parody pogs (Thanks, Genny!)  FishTrek.

Primrose set of 12 sticker/cards with a zig zag pattern instead of straight.

This card is from a set of movie cards produced by Italian Company PMC in 1991.

A new Japanese Star Trek Credit card! (Thanks, Ben!) As best as I can tell, it’s related to the Star Trek fan club in Japan and offered discounts with purchases. Is related to General Electric.




Uncut sheet of various TV series, with two Trek cards. Columbia House.

From a series of Japanese videos, these cards cover TNG movies and episodes, some are similar to the phone cards also released in Japan.

Video set from the UK?

Rittenhouse Archives Trek in Motion promo card/test card with RA logo in the upper corner. I saw this auctionne on Ebay AFTER it closed..sigh…this was back in like 2000…RA confirmed that they had printed some test cards and opted not to use this logo and that some cards went out as sample requests to collectors. Not sure who won the card, the lucky dog 😉

Australian Paul’s ST stickers: click on thumbnail to right to view what I still need.

Bally’s pinball card.

Star Wars you say?? Cluttering up a trek site? I have it on good authority that this SW sticker and wrapper have a Trek counterpart and I include it here to give you something to go on. It was released in Turkey in 1997 and is part of a 120 sticker set. Each sticker and wrapper comes from a different movie.


UPDATE:  Andy is very familiar with this set and reports no Trek cards cluttering up his Star Wars set 😉


Morris sticker album with Gorn poster

A card from a series of movie cards, possibly from Spain. (Thanks Daniel/Dennis)

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