This section is for various Star Trek cards that don’t fit neatly into one of the Trek card categories I have set up.
Star Trek Flying Dutch Cards
The Netherlands Fan Club put out some cards related to their wonderful magazine and Star Trek!
to get more information.
7 of 9 Promo Frontiers Board Game Card
Star Trek Frontiers Board Game 7 of 9 promo card. Standard card sized with rounded corners. Unsure if this differs from any cards offered in the set.
Fan Expo Star Trek Discovery Exclusive Character Cards Packs
Star Trek Discovery Toronto Card Packs
Star Trek Discovery Toronto Cards
Star Trek Discovery Toronto Cards
Set of 11 trading card sized (thin card/paper stock) cards from 2017 Toronto Fan Expo. Can you name that eyeball? There are two different packs, an A and a B pack.
Diamond Comics Costume Cards
Diamond Comic’s created two costume cards, a ST:TMP and a DS9 Worf card, from costumes purchased at Chrsitie’s auction. Limited to 1500. Given as an incentive when dealers purchased a case of their Trek toy line .The Worf card comes in red, black and grey. They were released in 2007 and 2008.
German Captain’s Card Set
German Star Trek OFC Cards
German Star Trek Crew Card
Set of Four Captain’s Cards. Simple text with name of Captain on back. The cards were sent to German collectors after they had subscribed to the German OFC magazine for one year.
In 1998, a postcard sized (4×6) TNG and Voyager bridge crew cards were released with a similar logo. Standard postcard back.
Of My Friend Card
Released by Lincoln Enterprises in 1982, this 3 c 4 card comes on thin card stock and was sent to collectors along with a poster version.
Lincoln Enterprises Roddenberry Sets
Set #2129
These are cards made of images taken by Gene Roddenberry originally for sale in their catalog. There were 20 sets with 16 cards each. Sets 2110-2124 were introduced in 1982 and 2125-2128 in 1984. At some point, a large lot of the first 19 sets were sold to someone who packaged them with a header card (and a notation of scarcity). Quality of images is poor, but represent a lot of behind the scenes shots seen nowhere else. Set #2129 was not repackaged like the other sets and is often missed by collectors. The cards were offered for sale for quite awhile and aren’t likely limited,
Classic TOS and TNG Trivia Cards
Star Trek Trivia 7th Season Cards
Classic produced two ST trivia board games around 1993. The ST: TOS the Game cards had “warp packs” of 50 in sealed sets. The images cover the series through ST III. There was also had a 30 card ‘docking’ set, which consisted of 30 out of the 50 cards in the larger packs. They also offered a ST: TNG the Game card set of 50 cards in sealed packs. The backs in both series have trivia questions and each pack of 50 cards has a different set of questions. There is also a 7th TNG Season version of the game with 10 new trivia cards,. The TOS cards measures 3×3 and the TNG measures 3×4.
Fox-Dominion Set
Fox 35/King’s Dominion theme park had a 7 standard sized TNG card set, released as a promotional for Paramount Park’s opening. Many sets are sold as a 6-card set, the 7th is harder to acquire for some reason. Also, the 5th card in many sets appears to be a reprint, on thinner stock and not as glossy.
Israel Star Trek Card
Not much is known about this card. Possibly from Israel, back is blank. Measures 3.7 x 5.5 .
SNET Exhibition Cards
The 1996 SNET exhibition card was released in Connecticut as part of a traveling Star Trek exhibition in 1996, by SNET, a local, cellular and long distance service provider. It is standard trading card sized. A postcard sized version from Maryland is also available.
Battle Adviser Card
This card was part of a special CD that was developed for the Galactic Empires game. The actor who played Dr. Bashir was the voice on the CD and two cards were inserted into the CD’s or cassettes. The Battle Adviser was found in 1 in 8 CDs (or one per display box).
Blockbuster Star Trek/Xmen Gift Card
Produced for the San Diego Comic Con, this gift card could be used at Blockbuster. Created to promote the ST/Xmen crossover comic. Standard card sized, it was re
leased in 1996.
Oversized UK Data Cards
Released in 1999, these 6 x 8 cards were released in the UK. Not much else is known about how they were released or how many there are. See the checklist for the current known list.
Vinyl (?) Cards
This is a lot of 3 oddball *cards* that are on sort of a vinyl (?) stock. The DS9 cards have the same front and back, the other TNG card has a TOS back. Standard trading card sized.
World Tour Cards
World of Tour Star Trek Cards
World of Tour Star Trek Card Box
Germany’s 1998 World Tour released a set of 24 collector trading cards. They are large sized (4 x 5 3/4) full color images with facts the TNG crew. It comes packaged in a box, but also with a thin rubber band around the cards leaving small marks on the sides of some cards.
German Official Fan Club Cards
German Star Trek OFC Cards
German Star Trek OFC Cards
German Star Trek OFC Cards
German Star Trek OFC Cards
German Star Trek OFC Cards
No, 4×6
Description This was a long running series of cards released by the German Official Fan Club starting in 2000. The cards are blank backed and released 4 at a time a couple of times a year. So far, the series has covered Voyager, DS9 and TOS. They measure 4×6.
TV Highlights Trek Cards
In Germany, their TV Highlights magazine released a series of science fiction related cards on thin card/paper stock. These cards came mostly 4 to a perforated sheet and cover all 4 series. There are easily over 100-200 cards in this series. They measure 4×6.
Nascar First Contact Card
Packaged with a matchbox car, this card features the First Contact car driven by Michael Waltrip. Standard trading card sized, released in 1996. This card can get dented if pressed too tight to car.
Hallmark Ornament Cards
Hallmark 2002 Star Trek Cards
Hallmark 2003 Star Trek Cards
Hallmark 2004 Star Trek Cards
Hallmark 2005 Star Trek Cards
Advertised as a memory card, these cards were packaged with ornaments ornaments. Except for the green card, all are standard trading card size.
Kirk Costume Card
Released in 1997, the Penguin company made 20 (numbered x/20) cards produced with a piece of fabric used for Kirk’s uniform.
Splatt Attack Shatner Cards
Features Shatner’s paint ball team with Trek references. (Shatner is as tall as a tribble). Released by in 2002, they are standard trading card sized.
Sticon Cards
Italian Star Trek Convention Card
Italian Convention Star Trek Cards
Card Sean Kenney utilized for autographs during a Sticcon convention in Italy in 2007. He kept the unused ones and signs them at conventions he attends. Apprx. 200 cards.A second card of Bobby Clark was also released at another Italian convention. In 2015, 8 more cards appeared on ebay from the same convention. They are standard trading card sized on thinner card stock.
40th Anniversary Star Trek Subway Card
Used in Japan to take the subway or a raised train system. They were released in 2006 and measure 2 1/8 by 3/1/4. My notes say “There were 10,000 cards issued and it came with a display mount.” but this may be a copy paste error.
Star Trek Catan
These cards are from a board game released in 2012 by Klaus Teuber. There are 10 character cards and 4 item cards (multiple copies of the item cards). They measure 1 1/8 by 2 1/8.
Top Trump
Part of a UK game called Top Trump. the cards are 2 1/2 by 4 with a release date sometime after 2009.
ST: ID promo card
Thin card stock promo card for the 2013 movie by CTC/Sundance Productions. Measures 4×4.
National Sports Collector’s Convention Kirk Card
Promo card released at the 2011 National Collector’s Convention Card is numbered VIP-09 and is standard trading card sized.
Sci-Fi Valley Con Promo Card
Promo card form the 2013 Sci Fi Valley Con by Rusty Rusty Gililigan. It is standard trading card sized.
National Convention Chekov Sketch Card
Hand drawn sketch card from the 2011 National Convention. Standard trading card size.
Netherlands OFC Magazine Cards
These oversized cards were inserted into the Netherlands OFC magazine in 2004. They feature AF’s in Christmas poses.
Mattel ST Trivia Cards
350 Trivia cards from all 4 ST Series, released in 2004. Trading card sized.
Roundtree Card Sets
Released in 1993, Girard Roundtree is one of the artists who did artwork for both Master Series I and II and ST Plates. He had some card sets made up showcasing his artwork. The card stock appears like photographic stock with paper applied to the back. The paper has text about the scenes depicted and contact information about the artist. There is both a pink (125 numbered sets) and blue backed set (500 numbered sets) of 33 postcard size artwork cards. There was also a set of 27 orange backed trading cards and 3 ST/ Statue of Liberty postcard sized cards. Lastly, there were 4 gray backed cards of which one was a ST card (firing phasers). Not all the cards in all these card series are Star Trek, but most are. One 27-card set (orange backed) is trading card sized, the rest are 3 1/4 x5 or 4×6.
Hallmark Trivia Challenge Cards
This deck, seen at Hallmark, from Flick Black Media Inc, is from A Trivia Challenge Playing Cards Game. Two of the decks have Trek images
Hallmark Trivia Challenge Cards
In January 2008, Star Trek the Tour. It began in California with plans to tour the country. The cards are passed out free at the show to users to allow them to track photos taken of you at the show and for ordering them online. They are a set of 7 ship cards and are available for purchase.