Star Trek Trading Cards Collective

Interview with a President 2012

How did the Gene R business card idea come into being? It’s such a cool idea, I like it as much as my Gene R card!!!
Charendoff: I bought these at the auction of his estate a few years ago, after Majel Barrett passed away, and it just clicked in my head that these would make a great trading card.

Heroes and VIllians was one of your first Premium Pack Boxes where Do you see using premium products in the Trek line again?
Charendoff: I don’t have any specific plans for another set like that, butI don’t rule it out. Not likely to happen any time soon, though, if at all.

How cool was it you got Ashley Judd and David Ogden Stiers? Christian Slater actually wanted to add your cards to his collection. Do you ever get *star struck*?
Charendoff: Funny you ask that, because generally I don’t get star struck. But we recently made NCIS cards, and Cheryl Ladd sign cards for us. She called me out of the blue, twice in fact, and each time I felt my heart racing. She is the only celebrity I can ever remember having that kind of effect on me.

Is there a type of card that you want to do but haven’t yet been able to?
Charendoff: An autograph card signed by both Wm. Shatner and Patrick Stewart – oh, wait – we actually have those. LOL. I had those 2 guys sign cards together back in 2004, and I’ve been holding onto them ever since, waiting for the right project to use them. It would be fun to get all of the new movie actors and all of the TOS actors to sign double autograph cards together (e.g. Shatner and Pine, Nimoy and Quinto, etc.). That would be fun.

We have had Season One sketchcards (one per episode). Any plans to finish off Season II and III?
Charendoff: YES!!! We have a very ambitious project for 2013 involving these sketch cards, so we have every intention of issuing sketch cards for both seasons. More on that soon.

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