Star Trek Trading Cards Collective

Star Trek Voyager Closer to Home Card Set

Voyager Seasons Card Sets

Release Date: Nov 17, 1999
9 Cards Per Pack
36 Packs Per Box
Production Run-NA

Card Images

Set Composition

Base Set-100 Advanced Technology-9 1:4
Captain Proton-9  1:8 Interstellar Species-9 1:12
Orange Interstellar Species-9  ?  Autograph Cards-9  1:54
Command Lenticular-9  1:54

Base Set

After a break from the episode format, SkyBox released Voyager Closer to Home, a set that squeezes Seasons 3, 4 and 5 into one card set. Some episodes got one card, some three. The last 9 cards of the common set feature a Janeway’s Adversaries subset with foil stamping.Boxes had either a lenticular card or an autograph card.
A few issues arose with this set. First, the number of damaged cards was fairly significant. The first 3 or 4 cards in many packs were damaged, likely a production/ packing issue. Making sets is difficult since the same numbers tended to appear at the same place in the pack. Collectors noted that some cards had incomplete summaries, cutting off partway through a sentence, a quality control/editing issue for sure!
Another bone of contention: rather than starting at 191, where Voyager Season II SHOULD have left off, CTH starts at 178. This start point does not take into account any subsets or checklists from Voy II.



Autograph Variations



Misc. Items

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