Since 1996, the ST Auctionne has been alive and kicking and providing a place for the sale of Star Trek cards. But, life and circumstances move and change and the Auctionne has been shut down. This is a sorrowful moment for me. What I don't want is to lose touch with my fellow collectors, some I have known since 1995. I will still be selling and dealing and though the final shape of this change hasn't yet been determined, PLEASE follow our progress here:

and here:

I have also set up a sales Shoppe here for cards not being auctionned, but just up for straight sales:

Lynne's ST Shoppe

Thanks for the fun of being the Auctionne Goddess!!
Final Message sent to the ST Auctionne EMail group:
This is the final transmission of the USS ST Auctionne. We lasted way longer then 5 years...!!! Unfortunatly, with two sets out each year, there is jsut not enough inventory for me to keep the auctionne flush and it makes me sad to see it lonely.
Please reply to this message ( if you want to stay on this mailing list. I will be utilizing an ebay store and auctionnes to continue my....dealering..and I'd like to be able to tell you about it. I don't wannt bother you though, so anyone not heard from will be deleted from this subscriber email list. I won't be making any changes to the AMok Times Newsletter and email list, just the auctionne part.
What fun I've had....thank you or the freedom to be able to sell Star Trek cards *my way* which meant fun and pleasing interactions with you. Something I worry I won't get on Ebay, so I hope to hear from you as we continue to collect and hope we get an elusive Gene R cut card in the next set.
One question, do I gotta start typing it Auction now or can I keep using Auctionne ;)